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Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

You may work to reduce your personal carbon footprint by driving less, recycling and with a five minute beach clean up, but do you consider the footprint of your home? Here are some tips to make your OBX home and your wallet a little greener.

Buy efficient appliances. Appliances are getting more efficient every year, and some have better energy and water-use ratings than others. The energy rating of an appliance is easy to find and can be a great guide for those looking to reduce their electricity and water consumption. Buying a new refrigerator may save you money as it runs 24/7. Check with Manteo Furniture & Lowes.

Install low-use fixtures. Shower heads, toilets, faucets and other fixtures now come in models that use less water than others. These fixtures can lower a home’s utility bill as well as reduce the amount of water a home uses. Better for your septic system if your home has one. Upgrade your fixtures at Kellogg Design Center

Plant a garden. Plants remove carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Keeping a garden can help counteract your carbon output, provide a fun hobby and supply you with homegrown vegetables or beautiful flowers. Install a drip irrigation system so that plants get only the water they need. Composting will reduce landfill and help support soil structure and reduce overall costs for a garden. Some plants like peppermint help keep away mice & other pests. Local garden centers include Kitty Hawk Garden Center & Nature’s Harmony.

Landscape using climate-appropriate plants.  Local plants are better adapted to the environment, are non-invasive to other species and require less water than outsiders. Work with local extension office for best plants for your area. More information can be found in this link.

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